Not only do I try to portion out snacks ahead of time, but I also use smaller packages. You can fool your eyes into thinking you are eating more than you actually are. Have you ever heard the phrase “My eyes were bigger than my stomach”? It’s true. Our eyes and our perception of how much food we are eating plays a big role in how full we feel and how much we pay attention to our hunger cues. Instead of using the large sandwich bag for your single serving of pretzels use a snack size bag instead. Now your bag looks full instead of looking almost empty. It LOOKS like a bigger snack than it would if it was in a larger bag.

Another way to have easy snacks on hand is to buy things that already have the points calculated for you. The Weight Watchers String cheese are 1 point each and say that right on the package! It makes it easy to keep track of your points.

Which of these two plates would you pick? They both have the same amount of food but the smaller plate looks more full since there is less plate area to fill. By choosing smaller dinner plates you naturally take smaller portion sizes because you can’t fit as much on your plate. You also trick your eyes into thinking you have more food on your plate than you really do!

By utilizing these easy tips and having 1 point snacks on hand you can get through those tough moments in your weight loss journey. Planning ahead is key! Set yourself up for success! Don’t forget to take advantage of Weight Watcher’s app and their cheat sheets they have online for fast food places and other times when you are eating away from home and needing healthy choices. Weight Watchers makes it easier to lose weight even if you are a busy mom! ?
