How to Release the Pinched Nerve in the Lumbar Area (sciatica)- 2 Simple Ways to Get Rid of the Pain

The lumbar pain spreads along the lower leg below the knee, in the calves / and or in the foot. The pain is strong, continuous, with a burning sensation and numbness of the legs, which can lead to difficult movements.

Often, the pain spreads in one leg, and is stronger than the pain in the lumbar area. The pain intensifies at night, after prolonged standing, sitting, sneezing, coughing or stress.

Traditionally, the treatment of sciatica is primarily conducted by using appropriate medication recommended by a doctor.However, you should not limit yourself whit just the consumption of painkillers.

If during the treatment you are doing simple exercises for muscle stretching, you will forget the pain in a short period of time.

Exercises for stretching the static nerve (sciatica):

Stretching exercises can be very useful because they can help to calm the inflammation, and thereby alleviate the pain.

Of course, at first it will not be easy because the exercises are performed slowly, and you will have to increase the stretches while you are breathing out.


Lie on a flat surface, bend the aching leg and then pull it slightly towards your shoulder. When you feel the stretch, try to keep the leg in that position for 30 seconds.

Straighten the legs, take a short break, and do this exercise two more times.

How to release the pinched nerve in the lumbar area (sciatica): 2 simple ways to get rid of the pain. Again, in the supine position, bend your knees and slowly pull them toward the chest, try not to lift your buttocks from the floor.


Cross your legs, as shown in the figure, and pull the healthy leg with your hand. Keep your legs in this position for 30 seconds, release them, and return to the original position.

Repeat this exercise two times. How to release the pinched nerve in the lumbar area (sciatica): 2 simple ways to get rid of the pain.

By performing these stretching exercises, you will stimulate the blood circulation and eliminate the stagnation in the muscles, and this will accelerate your recovery.