Dryer sheets aren’t just for the dryer. Here are 10 nifty uses

Dryer sheets are known to keep your laundry fresh and soft, in addition to static control. You might not know this but there are so many alternative uses, not just in the laundry room. Keep reading for 10 awesome tips.
1. Remove deodorant stains
Make sure to use brisk, short strokes and a clean dryer sheet when attempting this tip. Also, ensure the dryer sheet is completely dry.


2. Dust the blinds (and really any furniture)
It’s time to seriously retire that dust cloth of yours, because dryer sheets are better. The material of dryer sheets allows them to repel static electricity, making dryer sheets the optimal material for collecting dust.
3. Air freshener
Tape or pin the dryer sheet (scented) to a fan/air unit and have the breeze distribute the
aroma around your desired room.
4. Wipe bugs off windshield
The softness of the dryer sheet helps you avoid scratching your car. The smell of dryer sheets can also help repel bugs, especially during mosquito season.
5. Wipe up spills

6. Polish hardware
7. Clean dirty dishes
Never scrub your dirty dishware again. Instead, fill a dirty pan with warm water and some dish soap. Next, toss a few dry sheets in. Wait an hour or so, and the nasty grime will come right off! You need to watch this in action in the video below to see its effect.
8. Clean stainless steel
Your fridge will thank you later.
9. Keep clothes fresh
Not only can you use this in your drawers, but this trick is handy for suitcases/backpacks as well.

Bonus: Stick a dryer sheet in your pet litterbox for a better scents! Even your pets will be happy.
10. Keep thread from knotting