Drinking One Diet Drink Daily Can Triple Risk Of Dementia and Stroke

Yes, you heard right. Drinking One Diet Drink A Day Can Triple Risk Of Dementia And Strokes, new study finds. Only ONE a day!

I have a confession to make: I am a former diet coke addict. I used to drink diet coke, coke zero, and diet drinks EVERYDAY! I also used to sweeten my coffee with Splenda.  I didn’t know about the dangers or artificial sweeteners.

I stopped consuming artificial sweeteners when I got pregnant for the first time, about 7 years ago. At one of my first prenatal visits, my doctor told me to limit the intake of diet soda.  And I though to myself WHY? So, I looked into it and found out artificial sweeteners are really bad for our health.

After I had my son, I decided to never go back to artificial sweeteners again. It was hard at the beginning, because I was used to drinking diet coke everyday. I liked it. I actually LOVED it! But with time, I got used to drinking water instead. And now, I don’t crave it anymore. Hurray!


It is so important to stay informed and learn about the dangers of processed foods. With information from reliable sources, you can make better choices for you and your family. This is how I changed my eating habits.  Little by little you can switch to better and healthier ingredients.

Remember that we are what we eat. Sugary drinks are bad, but diet drinks can even be more dangerous! Drinking One Diet Drink A Day Can Triple Risk Of Dementia And Strokes. Bad for our body and our brain too.

What we put in our bodies will definitely affect our health and our future health. I have seen the difference, and it is truly amazing!


Boston University researchers found aspartame, a low-calorie sweetener, wreaks havoc on the arteries – as opposed to sugar-sweetened drinks. This means drinking diet soda is far worse for your health than drinking regular soda sweetened with sugar.

The results showed that adults who had one or more diet drinks a day were 2.9 times more likely to develop dementia and 3 times more at risk of strokes compared to those who virtually had none at all.

The team of scientists from Boston University believe the artificial sweeteners including aspartame and saccharine may be affecting the blood vessels, eventually triggering strokes and dementia.

This new study involved data on 2,888 adults older than 45 and 1,484 adults older than 60 from the town of Framingham, Massachusetts. The data came from the Framingham Heart Study, a project of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and Boston University.

“Our study shows a need to put more research into this area given how often people drink artificially sweetened beverages,” said Matthew Pase, a senior research fellow in the department of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine and lead author of the new study.

“Although we did not find an association between stroke or dementia and the consumption of sugary drinks, this certainly does not mean they are a healthy option.
We recommend that people drink water on a regular basis instead of sugary or artificially sweetened beverages.”


Now, you have proof that  Drinking One Diet Drink A Day Can Triple Risk Of Dementia And Strokes. Only one a day! We already knew drinking sugary drinks was bad. Nutrition experts believe high levels of sugar contribute not just to rising levels of obesity, but also other health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, dental cavities and cancer.

So stay away from sweetened drinks (natural or artificial), all together and drink water. Your body and your brain will thank you.