8 Reasons Why We Should Eat Pineapple Daily … Number 2 Is Most Important

Pineapple is the favorite tropical fruit to most people and it is also highly beneficial. Here we will tell you why it is very important to eat pineapple every day.

Reasons why to eat pineapple every day

1. Digestion

Pineapple has a lot of enzymes that promote digestion due to its deconstructive properties.

2. Helps fight against cancer

Pineapple is rich in vitamin C, which is the most powerful antioxidant, and it can even stop the creation of the cancer cells or the “free radicals.”

Many studies have proven the pineapples ability to hinder prostate and colon cancer.

3. Increase’s fertility

Consuming pineapple is very beneficial because it gives our body the needed antioxidants and minerals and they help increase fertility.

4. Avoid fatigue

Pineapple is rich in manganese- which is a mineral than can hinder damage in the cells and is essential for the production of energy, so eat pineapple every day to avoid fatigue.

5. Gives our skin an intense glow

Pineapple is very efficient in eliminating inflammation and redness, and it can be very helpful in increasing the collagen in our body. Because of this, pineapple makes the skin smoother and more flexible.

6. Full with Vitamin C

Just one cup of pineapple a day provides us 131% of the needed Vitamin C, so we recommend you to eat pineapple every day in the morning before you go to school or work.

It also gives us 2% of the necessary iron and calcium.

7. Soothes the scalp

Pineapple can be used as a natural remedy to make your hair softer and thicker. You should prepare a mixture with almond milk, olive oil and freshly squeezed pineapple juice. Apply it on your hair and leave it for 10 minutes and then wash the hair. For better results, it is recommended to do 2-3 times a week.

8. Increase’s immunity

Pineapple is full with antioxidants that have the ability to improve your immune system.