Sciatica pain is an extremely uncomfortable and unbearable health issue and can be a result of an injury, spinal stenosis, ruptured disk, etc.
As soon as one experiences pain in the sciatic nerve, s/he needs to immediately check the lower back and hips.
According to Dr. Mark Kovach, a stretch that could allow hip rotation would be highly beneficial. This pain stretches to the feet and the lower limb, as this nerve connects the femur and the spine. In fact, it is the basic muscle for noticeable movements of feet, hips, and upper legs.
The piriformis syndrome occurs when the sciatic nerve goes through the muscle, and it is characterized by hip and lower back pain.
It is estimated that around 40 percent of people will experience sciatic nerve pain or sciatica at some point in their lives. In most cases, these issues are treated with medications such as muscle relaxants, aspirin, ketoprofen, antidepressants, and acetaminophen.
If you suffer from these issues, you can naturally relieve the pain with the help of the following exercises:
Supine Piriformis Side Stretch
Lie on the floor with a straight back and flat legs. Raise the painful leg, put the foot on the outside of the other leg, and drag the knee across the middle line of the body. Hold for 30 seconds, and repeat with the other leg.
Standing Piriformis Stretch
In a standing position, raise the affected leg above the knee of the other leg, and lower the hip at an angle of 45 degrees. Next, bend the torso upfront while stretching the arms to align them with the floor. With a straight spine, hold for 30 seconds, and repeat with the other leg.
McKenzie Press Up
On the floor with the face down, rest the head for two or three minutes on the sides. Next, put the elbows on the floor to lean on, inhale, and lower the body to relax.
Long Abductor Stretch
Start in a sitting position, and the legs out and far apart. Then, bend the body and put the hands on the ground, while trying to touch the floor with the elbows. Hold for 20 seconds.
Supine Piriformis Stretch
Lie down with bent knees, cross the affected leg, hold its ankle with one hand, and hold the knee with the other. Draw upfront the shoulder in the same line with the ankle, and hold for 30 seconds.